
Monday 7 February 2011

forgive me bloggers for i have sinned

forgive me bloggers for i have sinned

It has been 6 months since I last posted

How easily I put down the community that was helping me attain relationship Nirvana.

I am not the only one. My s has also been remiss.

We have all the explanations you like.

But in the end, explanations after the fact just sound like excuses.

We have drifted. I have let us. s has tried to motivate me.

Last night we went from post coital bliss to raging violent strangers in the space of one hour.

That is not where I want to be. Where I want us to be.

We are strong, but when we break it breaks us too.

Now we start the journey to mend, and heal and rebuild.


  1. The blog is for you -- not for anyone else.

    not to say that we didn't wonder how you weathered all the changes

    Welcome back


  2. thanks sfp
    in short we have just had our noses to the grind stone too much to notice much else.
    i'll prob put more detail about it somewhere.
    We got a lot more vanilla over time and despite repeated requests from s i have been unable to find the right balance for more DS in our relationship.
    oh its all a big ball of mess in brain at teh moment. i'll just post another post with my thoughts and leave it at that for today.
    thanks for showing your support and i hope your getting your own issues straightened out.
